Scripture Reading - John 3:16-18 KJV

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

In our previous lesson we spoke about the general meaning of “condemnation” which comes from the word “condemn” which means to disapprove of, sentence to punishment, proclaimed unfit and/or to place guilt upon. We spoke about Jesus redeeming us from the sentence of death through the forgiveness of our own personal sins. Although the knowledge of this truth is crucial to our great salvation and our salvation from commented sins is the foundation of Christianity “No Condemnation” does not stop there. We (ihlcc) say this because quite often the accuser of the brethren will attempt to “condemn” you in other ways. For example, “condemnation” will often come in the form of persecution and questioning in comparison of good works. According to the devil and religious people you can never do enough good works to satisfy their perverted picture of the perfect Saint, of course with the golden bright light Halo shining over you. We frequently hear of people suffering from a lack of confidence because their belief that they could do more for Christ Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Well of course you could always do more for the Kingdom of God and Christ Jesus but that is not the question you should be entertaining in your mind. The thought of you doing more good works for God is flawed in this sense. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is based upon His awesome good work for you, period, end of discussion. God’s Grace has nothing to do with your good works and at best all your good deeds/works came from God’s Spirit working within you. So don’t spend any time thinking about what you could do for Christ to gain more favor with God because then you be forgetting (neglecting, minimizing, overlooking) the Grace of God upon you from our Heavenly Father God. Many religions preach good works to gain points or favor with God but this is contrary to the sound doctrine of Jesus sacrifice at Loves expense. Remember, Jesus was and is your personal sacrifice for sins just as much as He was and is your substitute for favor and blessing. We receive from God based upon the good completed rich works of Jesus Christ and we would all do well to never forget that. So your inherited blessings are not based upon exactly what you do but rather what Jesus already did with your openness to receive Him and them (the many blessing of God). Remember, the Holy Bible tells us the Jews were ignorant of God’s righteousness through Jesus Christ so they continuously work to merit the blessing of God in their own life. This erroneous mindset works against God’s Grace to establish their own righteousness in God’s sight which will never happen according to Romans 10:1-4. In no way are we (ihlcc) preaching that you should not do good works but we are stating that all your good works follow your conversion to Christianity through the grace of God, without God’s Grace you are nothing and you will only grow into more nothingness the harder you try to build your own righteousness. Yes, we do good works for others unto the Lord which is a big difference from doing good works to gain points with God. You have already gained a hundred percent of God’s approval though Jesus Christ so don’t even think about adding more good deeds in your own name which amounts to nothing. However, when you continuously praise and worship Jesus for His great goodness and His good deeds/works done for you all condemnation about your minuscule acts fade way. Dearly beloved, saint of God, there is “no condemnation” in Christ Jesus because God sent His Son into the world to remove the “condemnation” that accompanies a guilty sentence of death from God. Jesus Christ came to save sinners so that all saints can live guilt free in this earth while they worship God in joy and gladness. Jesus, our personal Lord and Savior also washed us clean in His own personal Blood to keep us clean from the guilt of not doing enough good works. Therefore you, dear righteous Christian, are free indeed through the knowledge of “no condemnation” upon you, your saved loved ones and all Saints near and abroad over all the face of the earth. It is a dangerous thing to think you have to earn your way to Heaven. God loves you so rely on His Grace and the rightness of Jesus rather than trying to perform your own works of righteousness. So spread this Gospel of Truth to save the souls of all those who feel “condemnation” due to a lying devil and ignorant men. Knowing that only the truth of “no condemnation” can set those controlled (influenced) by “condemnation” free in Jesus Name, knowing their freedom is a part of their God given inheritance in Christ. Amen.